“Princess in Jeans” conquers the world!

My romantic sci-fi novel is published in English for the first time. The book “Princess in Jeans” is available on Amazon in all countries – not only the electronic version, but also the printed edition in paperback and hardcover.

From the bottom of my heart I thank translator Ksenia Plotnikova and editor Irina Makeitseva for the magnificent English version of “Princess in Jeans.” I myself know English – not well enough to translate literary texts, but enough to appreciate the level of literary translation – and I received great pleasure from collaborating with Ksenia and Irina, as well as from communicating with Ekaterina Gaidadym, manager of the translation agency “TranExpress”, where I ordered the translation of this book.

The translation turned out brilliant! The work took on completely new colors and gained additional depth. Each character has his own recognizable voice and manner of speech; the narrative style delights with interesting phraseological turns and subtle humor. I am amazed at the creative work of the translator and editor; not every native speaker can write a literary text of such a high level!

If you like English, read the sample of “Princess in Jeans”, just for your own pleasure.